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Writing Effective Email Communications

Written Communication

Like it or not, email is still the most used business tool. However it also can cause issues if messages are not clear, concise and complete. With some simple tips on organizing your thoughts, structuring your content, and using a confident tone you will help your audience act and react to your communications.

Offered every Thursday at 3:00 EST.



Course Outline

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the purpose for writing
  • Identify the most important point for the reader
  • Focus the reader's attention on the main message
  • Structure content logically for easy reading
  • Be clear, concise and complete 
  • Stick to only the "need-to-know" details


This learning opportunity qualifies for PDH/CEUs accredited through the EIC.

Course Testimonials

It made me realize the impact that written communication make on a personal image.

This is one of the best courses our company has sponsored and I would recommend it to any business professional.

I was impressed by how engaged I was by a course on professional writing.


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