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Writing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Written Communication

SOPs bring consistency and save time, money, and accidents but only if people can read and understand them.

Let’s face it, SOPs are a necessary part of the regulated and non-regulated fields but we all hate reading and more importantly writing them. They are often very long, repetivite, overly detailed, and hard to comprehend. This is a waste of time and money and potentially opens our organizations up to risk.  Although regulations dictate what companies must provide, they don’t clearly explain how to it.

This course offers ideas on audience analysis, document structure, version control, clear language, common SOP terminology, and editing.

Instructor Led

Course Outline

By the end of the course participants will be able to

  • Understand common terminology
  • Understand the purpose of SOPs
  • Determine the audience for their document
  • Develop and use structured SOP templates
  • Write a clear, concise, and complete information 
  • Edit their own and others’ documents

Course Testimonials

I really did not want to go to this class and then found I didn’t want it to end.

The instructors were well prepared and organized.

It was geared directly towards the type of documents engineers write every day.

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