The instructor made a very frustrating topic (business writing) fun.
I didn’t think it was possible to learn so much in such a short time.
The course delivered more information on technical writing than I expected in a two-day format.
There is a good balance between instruction and exercises which keeps participants active and involved.
The course does exactly what we learned: It gets to the point and is Clear, Concise, and Complete.
The practical application of the course impressed me. I expected a lecture but the exercises broke up the content.
It was geared directly towards the type of documents engineers write every day.
The instructors backgrounds and knowledge of the engineering community adds credibility to the course content.
Although this course was just 1.5 days long, it has made a big difference on my ability to communicate.
All managers need to take this course.
The course was very well structured and the instructor’s charisma and sense of humor helped us stay focused.
I was impressed by how engaged I was by a course on professional writing.