This is just what we needed. I hated English class but really listened and learned today.

BS in Technical Communication from Clarkson University
MS in User Interface Design from the London Guildhall University
Lisa Moretto
- Devoted career to helping technical professionals communicate more effectively.
- Engaging and interactive presenter who is frequently invited to speak at international conferences.
- In technical communication field since 1988.
Co-authored books with Ron Blicq
Get to the Point! (Prentice Hall)
Guidelines for Report Writing (IEEE Press)
Technically Write! (Prentice Hall)
Writing Reports to Get Results (Prentice Hall)
- Past President of the Rochester Engineer Society
- Member of the Society for Technical Communication
- Member of the IEEE Professional Communication Society

BS in Management from Nazareth College
MS in Philosophy from the University of Rochester
Lori Marra
Vice President
30-year career in corporate communications and training
Led teams in hardware and software development, medical imaging devices, and technical service documentation
- An accomplished speaker and trainer who has delivered diverse content to a broad range of audiences.
- In the technical communication field since 1985
Associate Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication
Developed RGI’s Centre for Engineering and Technical LeadershipTM, a resource for cultivating leaders in the technical and engineering fields

BS in Computer Science and Mathematics from Clarkson University
MS in Instructional and Performance Technology from Boise State University
Certified Human Performance Analyst
Ann Christoffersen
Senior Consultant
- Retired leutenant colonel military trainer who developed and facilitated various topics including critical thinking and analysis.
- Combines her instructional design education and military training and facilitation skills with her technical writing experience.
- Provides an engaging and interactive adult learning classroom expierence.

Ron Blicq
Retired Guru
- Founded the Roning Group Incorporated (RGI) in 1972
- Developed a RGI’s unique instructional technique called The Pyramid Method of WritingTM
- One of the internationally recognized forerunners in Technical Communication education
- Organized international conferences in the US, Canada, Europe, Austrailia, and Russia. US, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Russia
- Participated and chaired international committees to develop communication standards
Authored textbooks:
On the Move
Administratively Write
Communicating at Work
Co-authored books with Lisa Moretto:
Get to the Point!
Guidelines for Report Writing
Technically Write!
Writing Reports to Get Results
Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication
Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
In honor: The Ron S. Blicq Award for Distinction in Technical Communication Education
Member, Association of Teacher of Technical Writing
Member, Canadian Teacher of Technical Writing
Everyone in our company needs to take this course.
Everyone in our company needs to take this course.